Posts Tagged ramaraksha stotra

Things To Do Before Spiritual Practice – What Is The Best Time For Japa?

God is protecting you lovingly round the clock. You should express your gratefulness to Him by devoting at least 24 minutes for Japa – Tapa out of 24 hours. It is a token of your gratitude to God for His unconditional grace. A calm and quiet atmosphere is best suited for this purpose. The mind gets automatically dawn inwards when external distractions and temptations subside. Divine beings visit the earth every evening at dusk and depart at dawn. These illumined souls shower their special grace on those who are engaged in Sadhana (spiritual practice). Nature remains very quiet and serene in the early hours of the morning when the hustle and bustle of the world have not yet started and at night when the world is taking rest after the din of the day. The whole atmosphere is charged with powerful divine vibrations during this period and there is a kind of joy, freshness and enthusiasm everywhere. This is the reason why sunrise and sunset are so elevating and rejuvenating. Birds are more sensitive than man in this respect and so they respond quickly by chirping with great joy. So, you will benefit by these favourable conditions, if you become Sadhana oriented. Similarly, midnight with its profound silence is also most suitable for Japa-Tapa. Read the rest of this entry »

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