Posts Tagged Padmasana

How To Sit For Meditation? – Mental And Physical Preparation

How to prepare for Japa?

This human body is divine as God dwells within. So it can always receive and respond to divine vibrations which can easily penetrate the body and rouse the inner divinity.

So, before starting Japa, think about the shower of divine grace. Stroll for a while where there is natural scenic beauty. Then either take a refreshing bath or wash your hands, feet and face thoroughly.

You may recite Sri Rama Raksha Stotram or hum devotional songs while performing these ablutions. This prepares your mind to find joy in the repetition of divine name. After ablutions, you should not start reading newspapers but proceed straightaway to do Japa with a clean body and mind. You must not allow your mind to wander about, thinking of distracting worldly things.

Is it necessary to sit in wet clothes for Japa?

Some people sit for Japa in wet clothes and start shivering.  Then their attention is diverted towards the body instead of God.

It is your mind which must get soaked in love and devotion. There is no need to sit in wet clothes.

Reflect on the perfect purity of God.

Put on clean clothes and get ready for doing Japa. Keep either the image or the picture of your Ishtadevata (Chosen Ideal) in front of you at the eye level. Keep the altar neat and clean. Offer at least one fully bloomed flower to your Ishtadevata with a prayer for inner enlightenment. Read the rest of this entry »

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